
Discussion in 'Off-Topic Chat' started by conway, Mar 13, 2024.

  1. conway


    Nov 28, 2023
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    This post is not about cheeseburgers, its not even about math. Yet it does no violate the rules, and it has a place here. Specifically in the "off-topic" section.

    This post is about teaching others the concept of Love, and kindness. This post is for my dear friend Logic. Whom despite the name is in dire need of emotional control. And the teachings of kindness and love.

    You see Logic, I know this post fills you with anger (which violates the concept of logic). You would make a terrible Vulcan my friend. Yet do not worry, I am with you. I will walk you through this. You have three options my dear friend.

    A) Take a deep breadth, exhale and then choose not to respond at all.

    B) Take a deep breadth, and then respond with kindness.

    C) Take a deep breadth, and the respond with some sort of fake, sarcastic kindness. Fake it till you make it. Such a response is better than letting your temper get the best of you.

    This post is not just about making you, and me both better people. It is also to teach you Love, so that the next time someone responds with "flawed math" you will teach them with kindness, and not rudeness. You may mention my "Bambi" comment to Phil. Yes it was rude. Yet is was in defense of another whom Phil had been rude to first. Sometimes you must fight fire with fire. Sometimes you must fight rudeness with rudeness. As it was in my case. Yet you had no cause to be rude to IarsSwe...did you. Again shame on you.

    If you fail this test. It is ok. I am with you. I have a great deal of patience.
    conway, Mar 13, 2024
  2. conway


    Nov 28, 2023
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    Very well done Logic. No reply at all. You have my apologies, perhaps your emotional control is not as bad as I thought. My own is terrible by the way. I tend to be empathic, and emotional. Both things I am proud of. The lack of control there in...not at all proud of. You have helped me become better in this. From the depths of my heart thank you for helping to make me a better person. I WILL return the favor.

    You and I are not done. Our next step is for me to give you pop quizzes. I will make fake random profiles. I will then post some odd thing with terrible, and flawed math. When, and if, you can respond to them. Correct me, and my math. More so to do it with kindness. Then I will graduate you from our "little" school of kindness, and love.

    Good Luck! My dear friend!
    conway, Mar 14, 2024
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