Hi all, I'm new to this, so please accept my apologies if that post is obvious!!

Discussion in 'Introductions' started by Ian M, Mar 13, 2022.

  1. Ian M

    Ian M

    Mar 13, 2022
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    At 3am this morning, my mind was buzzing so in order to stop my brain wandering all over the place, I thought about a board game I like playing called Settlers of Catan.

    The game (which is very good) has 19 small hexagons that are positioned to form a larger hexagon. It got me thinking about how many smaller hexagons I would need to create an even larger hexagon. I realised that the number of smaller hexagons would always be a prime number and that:

    For any odd natural number n,
    n squared - (n squared - 1) / 4
    is always prime.

    Does anyone know if this is true? And if so, is there a proof?

    As said above, if this is totally wrong or just plain obvious, please feel to let me know!

    Ian M, Mar 13, 2022
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