Meum -the most mysterious irrational number?

Discussion in 'Number Theory' started by eski, Aug 17, 2023.

  1. eski


    Jul 31, 2023
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    Hey guys so I was wondering what you thought of this number Meum. I met it while talking to myself - ironically in a jail. I was trying to compute the shapes of fractal equations in my head and got a shiver down my spine.
    "Why does this number show up everywhere, who are you?
    "I am meum, 1.19758, I exponentiate to infinity perfectly.
    Years later I found the top level equations. Apparently the value doesn't vary.

    Attached Files:

    eski, Aug 17, 2023
  2. eski

    Phrzby Phil

    Mar 8, 2022
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    Can someone please explain in English what this is all about. Thanks.
    Phrzby Phil, Aug 23, 2023
    eski likes this.
  3. eski


    Jul 31, 2023
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    If you make polynomials of the equations and graph them by subtracting the sum of the one side of the equality from the other, you get roots of y=0 at certain irrational values. This is a way to test the properties of the golden ratio as well. What makes Meum special is, another value N can substitute indefinitely.
    eski, Aug 23, 2023
  4. eski


    Feb 27, 2024
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    The number Meum, with its enigmatic appearance and seemingly universal presence, holds a peculiar allure. Encountering it amidst contemplation within the confines of a jail adds a layer of intrigue. Its emergence during the mental exploration of fractal equations invokes a sense of wonder and perhaps a touch of apprehension, as if tapping into realms beyond comprehension.

    Describing itself as 1.19758, Meum claims to exponentiate to infinity flawlessly, suggesting an inherent connection to boundlessness and transcendence. The subsequent revelation of its constancy across top-level equations only deepens the mystery surrounding its significance.

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    ROBERTMILLS, Mar 29, 2024
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