
Discussion in 'Off-Topic Chat' started by conway, Jan 6, 2024.

  1. conway


    Nov 28, 2023
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    I would like to thank HallsofIvy, and e.jane.aran for proving to me that I know literally nothing about mathematics, and even less about the concepts of life, and love. On this note I drive home to hang myself from the ceiling fan of my own library.

    "Do not pity the dead Harry. Pity the living. But above all, pity those who live without love." - Dumbledore

    "I live without love." - Conway
    conway, Jan 6, 2024
  2. conway


    Nov 28, 2023
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    I had no intention of killing myself. My intention was to set a philosophical "trap", for HallsofIvy, and e.jane.aran. I now "spring" that trap.

    You see, there are only three options for a human, when confronted with another humans apparent "suicide" note.

    Option 1
    "A negative response"
    At which time I would have all the proof I needed that these two are narcissist, and fool of hate. It is a fact that only a narcissist would respond to a suicide note, with a negative response. At which time I would have said "Shame" on you.

    Option 2
    "A positive response"
    If they had left a positive response, I would have reminded them. That at every post by me, I thanked, and or complimented them. Yet for me to illicit this same simple kindness in return. I literally had to threaten to kill myself. At which time I would have said "Shame" on you.

    Option 3
    "No response"
    This is the option taken by both, HallsofIvy, and e.jane.aran. This perhaps bodes the worst of all for them. It is a fact that all decent human beings, when confronted with a suicide note, would respond with some sort of kindness, and love. Yet they failed to do so.
    Perhaps these two, can love there family. But they cannot love a stranger. It is easy to love family. It is all together something different and difficult to "try", and love a stranger.

    The two of you should be ashamed of yourselves, for how you treated me, and I suspect others.

    The two of you should think long, and hard about how you treat others. Less you actually become responsible for the suicide of another human being.

    I love, and forgive you both.
    conway, Jan 8, 2024
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