What I am supposed to write in this question about fuzzy logic?

Discussion in 'Other Advanced Math' started by shivajikobardan, Feb 8, 2022.

  1. shivajikobardan


    Jan 8, 2022
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    There are 2 questions commonly asked(rarely though) in my exams.

    1) Explain about mamdani fuzzy inference method with example.

    2) explain fuzzy inference with suitable example.

    Now I am self studying. I have 4 books with me, but none of them have this content. IDK why tho..There are other details but not about thse 2 questions. Can you just guide me what I am supposed to write here? A framework about what to write would be more than helpful to me.
    shivajikobardan, Feb 8, 2022
  2. shivajikobardan


    Jun 27, 2021
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    I hope this will help:

    Fuzzy Logic Toolbox™ software supports two types of fuzzy inference systems:
    Mamdani and Sugeno Fuzzy Inference Systems

    Mamdani: Advantages
    Well-suited to human input
    More interpretable rule base
    Have widespread acceptance

    Sugeno: Advantages

    Computationally efficient
    Work well with linear techniques, such as PID control
    Work well with optimization and adaptive techniques
    Guarantee output surface continuity
    Well-suited to mathematical analysis

    1. The inference process of a Mamdani system is described in Fuzzy Inference Process and summarized in the following figure.

    The output of each rule is a fuzzy set derived from the output membership function and the implication method of the FIS. These output fuzzy sets are combined into a single fuzzy set using the aggregation method of the FIS. Then, to compute a final crisp output value, the combined output fuzzy set is defuzzified using one of the methods described in Defuzzification Methods.

    An example of a Mamdani inference system is:


    2) explain fuzzy inference with suitable example.

    Some fuzzy conditional statements can be interpreted as “ fuzzy inference statements,” which are particular cases of fuzzy unconditional action statements. Consider, for instance, the fuzzy conditional statement:
    “If x is P , then go to L 1 else go to L 2” with L 1: y ← Q and L 2: y ← R , where P, Q, R are fuzzy on the universes of x, y , and y , respectively.

    Fuzzy logic is an approach to computing based on "degrees of truth" rather than the usual "true or false" (1 or 0) Boolean logic on which the modern computer is based.


    where is used

    MathLover1, Feb 8, 2022
    shivajikobardan likes this.
  3. shivajikobardan


    Jun 27, 2021
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    What math course?
    nycmathguy, Feb 9, 2022
    shivajikobardan likes this.
  4. shivajikobardan


    Jun 27, 2021
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    computer scient
    Fuzzy Logic used by computer scientists.
    Imagine tossing your laundry into a "fuzzy" washing machine, pushing a button, and leaving the machine to do the rest, from measuring out detergent to choosing a wash temperature. Imagine a microwave oven that watches over meals with more sensitivity than a human cook. Imagine a subway system that stops and starts so smoothly that passengers don't bother holding on to straps.
    MathLover1, Feb 10, 2022
    shivajikobardan likes this.
  5. shivajikobardan


    Jun 27, 2021
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    Wow! I think I will just stick to precalculus through multivariable calculus. No need for me to go beyond calculus, especially since math is just a hobby at this stage in my life. I will be 57 in April. No need for advanced mathematics. By this I don't mean that calculus is easy.
    nycmathguy, Feb 10, 2022
    shivajikobardan likes this.
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