Ellipses and hyperbolas of decompositions of even numbers into pairs of prime numbers.

Discussion in 'Number Theory' started by genabutov, Apr 7, 2023.

  1. genabutov


    Apr 5, 2023
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    1. The sum of two prime numbers is represented as an ellipse equation. A hypothesis is put forward about the infinity of intersecting ellipses given in the form of equations with prime numbers. The conditions for the intersection of ellipses are determined when decomposing even numbers into two primes.
    2. The differences of two prime numbers are represented as an equation of a hyperbola. A hypothesis is put forward about the infinity of intersecting hyperbolas, which are given in the form of equations with prime numbers. The conditions for the intersection of hyperbolas are determined when decomposing even numbers into two primes.
    Will there be any new thoughts, ideas about this?
    Below is a file with an article on this topic.

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    Last edited: Apr 7, 2023
    genabutov, Apr 7, 2023
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