College Algebra Chapter 1 [ATTACH=full]2362[/ATTACH] [ATTACH=full]2363[/ATTACH]
Thank you. More College Algebra Chapter 1 material later today. By the way, I feel so sad right now. I got a raise in terms of salary. I then ignorantly told a coworker about my raise. This has created problems for the company. Sometimes, I can be really, really dumb. You say?
We all learn office politics by a combination of listening (when lucky) and the hard way (when not). It's sad that it gets in the way of productivity the way it does, too--don't be too good at your job, it makes people wonder why the problems you solve didn't get solved earlier, before you came along...
I have now put the company in a compromising situation. It looks like I am the only guard at the site for which the contract was negotiated. Not only am I in trouble with the company but my coworkers will start treating me differently due to jealousy and envy. This I don't need. Sooner or later my coworkers will contact the account manager requesting a reason they were denied a raise in salary. I should have kept my big mouth shut.
You are right. I ignorantly told one of my coworkers about the slight raise in salary. I made this information known to a guard that has been faithfully working at this particular site for more than 12 years. I found out this morning that he was denied a raise. I think this is so wrong. He has proven his dedication and loyalty to the company for more than a decade. Honestly, I don't want the raise. Dealing with jealous coworkers is a nightmare. Now, back to math.