An inequality is a math statement in which two expressions are related by an inequality symbol. We call the expressions as the sides of the inequality.
Inequalities of the form a < b or b > a are called strict inequalities.
Inequalities of the form a <= b or b => a are called nonstrict inequalities.
a > 0 is the same as a is positive.
a < 0 is the same as a is negative.
We sometimes read a > 0 by saying that "a is positive." If a => 0, then either a > 0 or a = 0, and we may read this as "a is nonnegative."
Write each statement as an inequality.
1. x is positive
2. x is less than 2
3. x is less than or equal to 1
Inequalities of the form a < b or b > a are called strict inequalities.
Inequalities of the form a <= b or b => a are called nonstrict inequalities.
a > 0 is the same as a is positive.
a < 0 is the same as a is negative.
We sometimes read a > 0 by saying that "a is positive." If a => 0, then either a > 0 or a = 0, and we may read this as "a is nonnegative."
Write each statement as an inequality.
1. x is positive
2. x is less than 2
3. x is less than or equal to 1