Is zero a cardinal number?

Discussion in 'Number Theory' started by in2infinity, Apr 20, 2022.

  1. in2infinity


    Apr 20, 2022
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    Hi there. I was having a real problem finding out is zero was a cardinal number or not?
    This website says it is...

    and this website says it is not?

    In fact the issue seems to be very unclear.

    Zero is not in the ordinal set as there is no ZEROth step. Is that right?

    I want to know is I am standing at zero, and a Take a step, Do I count the zero number, and is this a cardinal number?

    I apologise if this seems like a very simple maths question. Thanks in advance for your help..
    in2infinity, Apr 20, 2022
  2. in2infinity


    Jun 27, 2021
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    The cardinal number of the empty set is is 0.
    MathLover1, Apr 24, 2022
  3. in2infinity


    Mar 1, 2023
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    This is a frequent challenge in software program. It is said that, "programmers are often off by 1." - just for the type of issue you indicated. Where do I start?

    Is "next Sunday" the one coming up or the one after that?

    Is Maryland 1 state away from Virginia or - since they touch - is it 0 distance. Historically, some cultures would count Maryland as 1 and Virginia as 2. So, Virginia is two states away. (Of course, historically, Maryland and Virginia did not exist.) Also, historically zero did not exist.

    I agree that while 0 is not a counting number it is the cardinality of the null set.

    P.S. Historically 1 was considered a prime number. (How more prime can you get than 1?)
    ddinunno, Mar 31, 2023
  4. in2infinity


    Nov 28, 2023
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    I find this thread fascinating. The real issue is in how we define zero, and its cardinality. An empty "set" is the absence of a numerical quantity.

    It is NOT, absent a dimensional unit quantity. It is this quantity that we should philosophically count, when we are standing on zero, and moving to 1 or negative 1.

    Consider (1 + -1 = 0).

    This is proof of the space of zero. Or the dimensional unit quantity.

    This is also relative to how we define zero. It is currently defined as a "whole number". Yet numbers are defined as numerical quantities. Yet zero is the absence of a numerical quantity. Therefore logically it should not even be defined as a number.

    Give zero a dimensional unit quantity. Along with all other numbers. Allow it to remain without a numerical quantity. And you can answer the above questions. As well as solve for division by zero.
    conway, Sep 23, 2024
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